
CFO Consulting

CPC Equities has managed over 200 audits of public companies and has the ability to quickly prepare full financial statements with all required disclosures under typical reporting standards (including IFRS, US GAAP, ASPE). We have experience handling a wide range of accounting issues, such as consolidations, inventory costing, investment tracking, deferred tax, and foreign currencies. We are able to help clients automate their accounting processes to understand the numbers quickly in order to grow the business.

We have business relationships with many audit firms including Big 4 and mid-market regional companies, such as Deloitte, PwC, BDO, and RSM LLP.  When a client need arises based on equity securities laws or bank loan purposes, our clients usually get a lower audit quote (sometimes a savings of $10,000 annually). We strive to understand the business intimately which assists us in preparing proper working papers with the required documentation (ie. contracts, statements, and invoices) in order for CPC Equities’ clients to have a smoother experience.

When CPC Equities prepare the Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) for our clients’ board, we focus on adding value. Our professionals look deeper into what the accounting numbers are telling us, which involves talking to the operations department to determine industry trends. Given our experience in many industries with over 300 clients, we make the MD&A an asset at a strategic level rather then simply check off the boxes to satisfy the regulatory requirements.

ERP Set up

CPC Equities knows that Accounting is no longer a matter of manually entering transactions at the end of the month. Many businesses have realized that accounting ledgers can provide valuable sources of data about business operations and customers. The key is to set up properly by having experienced professionals who understand the right questions to ask and which ERP system that will satisfy the business needs. This is beneficial not only in the short-term, but also for the long-term to accommodate potential growth.

Larger companies have powerful ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems which have modules that can integrate all business functions such as:

  • Customer management – CRM, quoting, receivables management
  • Accounting and payment systems
  • Operations and work flow
  • Inventory management
  • HR software and staffing management
  • Capital projects with budgeting
  • Treasury and cash management

CPC Equities has implemented over 100 ERP systems for clients over the years, which have allowed us to develop a systematic approach. We understand change is not easy or fast. Our approach includes running the new system in parallel while we train staff to become comfortable with the environment. This way, the old system can handle the critical tasks of the historical data, such as tax return preparation and audit of the year-end financial statements. Our firm is here to support clients at every step in their ERP journey.

When we lead the system configuration, CPC Equities does the following:
a) Analyze business needs and track user input for the functions required
b) Provide system evaluation and quoting to ensure budget is accurate
c) Implement a conversion between new data and historical data conversion
d) Support the introduction of the new system and provide comprehensive training

Some people think ERPs as a black box, but CPC Equities shine a light on this process. Our clients know our system set up process is less stressful and more economical because planning goes a long way. Whichever system you are considering (Sage, Oracle SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, NetSuite, QuickBooks ERP, Adagio, Agresso), contact us to help your company make the best use of this powerful tool so that you can control your ERP system, rather than your system controlling you.

IPO Advisory

CPC Equities provides a wide range of advisory services for private companies looking to go public on a stock exchange in Canada and US. Since we have been principals on our own M&A activities, our focus is on reducing deal risk and keeping transaction costs to a minimum. For many clients, CPC Equities is the point contact to drive the listing process since we have the steps down to a science. This can allow us to coordinate all the advisors to ensure that the audit and legal deliverables line up in order for the financing to close quickly before market conditions change.

CPC Equities has extensive experience in providing transaction services on deals to ensure the planned economics can become a reality. Over the past 19 years, our firm has assisted clients in various M&A activities including:

  • Acquisitions (due diligence and integrations)
  • Dispositions (financial modelling, valuation analysis, and deal road map)
  • Capital raising and liquidity events (ie. Venture Capital, Private Equity, Public listing with retail vs institutional investors)
  • Economics (forecasts, PowerPoint slide decks, business plan, valuation metrics)

We speak the same language as M&A professionals. CPC Equities helps clients get qualified for equity financings with higher valuations as it is evident that they have experienced advisors on their side.